The Landrum Area Fire and Rescue District, along with the City of Landrum, the Landrum Police Department, local media, and community partners offer this page as an informational resource for residents and businesses searching for facts on COVID-19, also known as the coronavirus.
This page will be updated as new information relating to our community becomes available.
UPDATE: July 29, 2020 — Gov. Henry McMaster today announced that all previously recommended guidelines for restaurants and other establishments that attract groups of people are now mandatory. The governor’s Executive Order establishing these new measures will go into effect Monday, August 3.
“These limited restrictions are temporary, they are measured, and they are targeted towards what we know works,” said Gov. Henry McMaster. “These measures give South Carolina the best chance to slow the spread of the virus without shutting down the state’s economy – which we cannot and will not do – as many continue to call for.”
Additionally, the governor continued his call for all South Carolinians to wear face coverings when appropriate, and he encouraged local governments to adopt face covering ordinances. The governor also ordered that face coverings must be worn in all state government buildings according to guidelines and procedures developed by the state Department of Administration, effective August 5th.
These guidelines for restaurants, first established by AccelerateSC, have been strongly recommended until now. They are now mandatory and include the following:
- Operating dine-in services at no more than 50% of the certificate of occupancy issued by the fire marshal.
- Employees and patrons shall be required to wear masks or face coverings.
- Tables are to be spaced to keep diners at least six feet apart.
- No more than 8 customers per table unless from the same family.
- Standing or congregating in bar area of restaurant is prohibited.
- Establishments that possess a state permit to sell alcohol shall be subject to these restrictions.
Other types of businesses, facilities, venues, events or mass gatherings which are permitted to open but are required to implement AccelerateSC guidelines include the following: festivals, parades, concerts, theaters, stadiums, arenas, coliseums, auditoriums, grandstands, amphitheaters, gymnasiums, concert halls, dance, halls, performing arts centers, parks, racetracks, or similarly operated entities. These guidelines include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Attendance may not exceed 50% of the certificate of occupancy issued by the fire marshal – or 250 persons – whichever is less.
- Require the wearing of masks or face coverings as a condition of admission or participation
- Enact social distancing, cleaning and hygiene practices as recommended by AccelerateSC
- End the sale of alcohol at 11:00 PM
Businesses, event organizers, and others responsible for events that may exceed the occupancy rules may receive clarification allowing the event to proceed if they can satisfactorily demonstrate an ability to comply with federal and state COVID-19 procedures and protocols to the Department of Commerce.
Those guidelines, and more, can be found here.
UPDATE: July 21, 2020 — The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) has launched a new web-based resource to help combat COVID-19.
The “Stay SC Strong” campaign provides site visitors with DHEC’s health and safety guidelines to stop the spread, information about social distancing, the latest research on the use of face coverings, and suggestions about how to cope with stress.
For people who are active on social media, the site also contains a “Social Media Toolkit” to help you pass on COVID-19 information your network can trust.
UPDATE: June 12, 2020 — This morning, Governor Henry McMaster issued Executive Order 2020-40 to allow the state to continue dealing with COVID-19, as cases continue to rise.
Under this order, occupancy restrictions at retail establishments have been lifted.
“Any retail stores that elect to utilize the flexibility authorized herein should consider and incorporate any corresponding industry guidelines regarding the same, in addition to undertaking and implementing all reasonable steps to comply with any applicable sanitation guidance promulgated by the CDC, DHEC, or any other state or federal public health officials,” according to the order.
The order also allows bowling alleys to reopen and urges that bowling alleys that choose to open should incorporate industry guidelines for operation — such as the guidelines released by AccelerateSC.
These guidelines include:
- Food service areas should comply with the Restaurant Reopening Guidelines in AccelerateSC
- Plexiglas shields should be installed at all point of sale
- Use a clearly designated entrance and a separate exit, if possible. Anywhere one-way foot travel is possible, use arrows to direct traffic
- Remove all self-serve items and have staff provide items to patrons
- Encourage parent/guardian supervision for all Parents should assist children in complying with social distancing.
- Place hand sanitizer locations in high traffic areas, including check-in/check-out counters, lobbies, food service entrances and meeting rooms, if
- Employees should be trained on social distancing, the use of cloth face coverings and how to clean and disinfect all areas and
- Bowlers should be spread out on the lanes to ensure that they are 6 feet or more This can be accomplished by either limiting the number of people on one lane at a time and/or having an empty lane in between each active one.
- Use signage and floor decals to remind customers about social distancing as well as other basic guidelines referenced
- Consider scheduling certain times of operation specifically for the more vulnerable population of
- Request that customers bring their own bowling balls and shoes, if they have
- Clean and disinfect bowling balls and shoes between
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces (bathroom doors, sink handles, chairs, etc.) routinely throughout the
- Following CDC guidelines regarding cleaning and disinfecting.
- Empower employees to ask patrons to comply with COVID-19
- Provide hand sanitizer at each lane. Make disinfectant available to customers who want to disinfect their ball and
- Disable video games, juke boxes, etc. OR clean and disinfect them between each
- Have a plan for how to address an employee who tests positive for COVID-19. Reference the CDC Guidelines for Businesses and Employers for guidance
According to Governor McMaster, “South Carolinians know what they can do to keep themselves and their loved ones safe, and it’s incumbent upon each and every one of us to follow the advice and recommendations of the public health experts.”
UPDATE: May 21, 2020 — Governor Henry McMaster announced yesterday that attraction facilities will be permitted to open throughout South Carolina beginning Friday, May 22nd.
AccelerateSC has established safety guidelines for businesses that have been allowed to reopen. Guidelines for attraction facilities can be found here and on the AccelerateSC website, along with guidelines for all recently re-opened businesses.
Examples of attraction facilities include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Zoos
- Museums
- Aquariums
- Planetariums
- Historic buildings and sites
- Waterparks
- Amusement park rides
- Go-Kart tracks
- Bingo facilities (specific guidelines can be found here)
- Miniature golf facilities
Governor McMaster also announced that youth and adult sports leagues will be allowed to begin practicing on May 30th, with competitive play resuming on June 15th. Specific guidelines can be found here.
While Governor McMaster never took any action prohibiting day camps, which are popular for children during the summer months, the Department of Social Services and the Department of Health and Environmental Control established guidelines for those planning to hold camps this summer. Those guidelines can be found here.
UPDATE: May 15, 2020 — According to AccelerateSC, close contact service providers, fitness and exercise centers, commercial gyms, and public or commercial pools will be able to open in a limited capacity Monday, May 18.
Close contact service providers include the following businesses: barber shops, hair salons, waxing salons, threading salons, nail salons and spas, body-art facilities and tattoo services, tanning salons, massage-therapy establishments and massage services.
Commercial gyms will include group exercise facilities such as yoga studios, barre classes, and others.
“With our increased capacity for testing the people of our state, it is time to responsibly and gradually get these small businesses back up and running,” said Gov. Henry McMaster. “We have an opportunity to set an example for the rest of the world by reinvigorating our economy while staying safe, but we can only do that if South Carolinians continue to follow the advice and recommendations of our public health experts.”
The governor’s announcement comes following nearly three weeks of accelerateSC meetings, in part, for the purpose of developing guidelines for operations that each of these businesses are expected to follow, if and when they choose to open.
The “Response” component of accelerateSC, with advice and recommendations from the S.C. Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC), have developed general guidelines for close contact service providers, along with specific guidelines for cosmetology establishments, gyms and fitness centers, and public or commercial pools.
These guidelines include, but are not limited to the following:
- Guidance on social distancing within businesses, including recommended capacity requirements.
- Additional cleaning and sanitizing guidelines for equipment, tables, chairs, etc.
- Additional guidance on health checks for employees.
- Additional guidance on training for employees.
UPDATE: May 11, 2020 — On Friday, Governor Henry McMaster announced a new executive order that allows for indoor dining to resume on a limited basis, effective Monday, May 20 and that rescinds previously implemented boating restrictions.
Under the order, restaurants that choose to reopen will follow guidelines like those published by the South Carolina Restaurant and Lodging Association.
Also, while boating restrictions are lifted, effective immediately, social interaction should be limited, “social distancing” in accordance with CDC guidance should be practiced, and boaters should “take every possible precaution to avoid potential exposure to, and to slow the spread of, COVID-19.”
UPDATE: May 6, 2020 — Article below from THE STATE Newspaper: “SC launches one-stop shop for coronavirus information”
MAY 06, 2020 05:00 AM
South Carolina now has a website the state government intends to be one-stop shop for COVID-19 related information.
The website,, is part of the Accelerate SC group formed by Gov. Henry McMaster tasked with coming up with recommendations reopening the state’s economy after businesses closed to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus, which is sweeping the globe.
“This website is a critical component of that effort because it provides South Carolinians with real-time information about the state’s response to the coronavirus and how they can best help themselves and their loved ones through this challenging time,” McMaster said in a news release.
The website includes information for residents and information on the governor’s executive orders, telehealth providers, guidance for wearing masks and Medicaid information, among other topics. For businesses and organizations there is information on tax relief and as well as information about where to find personal protective equipment and other supplies for employees to ensure the economy reopens safely, among other topics.
Additional features will be rolled out over the next few weeks as the site is still being built out, said Marcia Adams, executive director of the S.C. Department of Administration.
“Access to accurate information is vital for all South Carolinians, especially as the state works to revitalize the economy and help citizens feel comfortable moving forward,” Adams said.
Joseph Bustos is a state government and politics reporter at The State. He previously worked in Illinois covering government and politics, most recently with McClatchy sister newspaper the Belleville News-Democrat.
UPDATE: May 1, 2020 — Governor Henry McMaster today announced that the statewide “Work-or-Home” order will be lifted and returned to voluntary status on Monday, May 4th. The governor also announced that beginning on May 4th, restaurants throughout South Carolina may provide outdoor customer dining service in addition to existing take out, curbside, and delivery services.
The governor also announced that he has lifted Executive Order 2020-19 because CDC guidance identifying “hotspots” throughout the country, which constituted the basis upon which short term rental companies were to deny reservations, has since lapsed and was not renewed. The governor has also lifted Executive Order 2020-14, which required individuals entering the state from the same “hotspots” to self-quarantine for two weeks.
Governor McMaster and state epidemiologist Dr. Linda Bell strongly urged anyone considered to be “at-risk” based on CDC guidance to limit exposure to others and for all South Carolinians to continue prioritizing their travels between home and work, when possible. Anybody who is sick or is showing symptoms of COVID-19 should immediately contact a healthcare provider and self-quarantine for a minimum of 14 days.
“Our goal from the onset of this deadly pandemic has been to protect South Carolinians, but as we all know, the state’s economic health is a major component of the state’s public health,” said Gov. Henry McMaster. “South Carolinians, now more than ever, should be vigilant in protecting themselves, their loved ones, and their communities by practicing social distancing and continuing to follow the advice and recommendations from our public health experts.”
“This virus will continue to spread and still presents a very real and serious threat to our people, but I believe in South Carolinians and their ability to act wisely and safely,” the governor continued. “We are a strong, resilient, and compassionate people who care for one another and will act in the best interest of our state as a whole.”
The governor’s announcement follows a week of meetings of AccelerateSC – a group created by the governor to develop a coordinated economic revitalization plan which includes healthcare professionals, representatives from large and small businesses, local government officials, and education professionals.
Based on advice and recommendations from DHEC and the South Carolina Restaurant & Lodging Association, Governor McMaster has established the following guidelines for restaurants to follow if they choose to open for outdoor seating.
Existing approved outdoor seating areas:
- Tables are to be spaced a minimum of 8 feet from each other (measured from all edges of the table);
- Limit table groups to 8 individuals;
- Eliminate gatherings in the building when entering or exiting outdoor seating area;
- Maintain strict social/physical distancing guidelines;
- Tables, chairs, and seats should be sanitized after every customer
If open areas and/or temporary tents are utilized by existing, permitted restaurants, all sides of the tent must be open and the following conditions are required:
- Tables are to be spaced a minimum of 8 feet from each other (measured from all edges of the table);
- Table groups are to be limited to 8 individuals;
- State approved fire extinguisher within 75 feet of tent area;
- Minimum of 7-foot-6 inch head room (ceiling height)
These guidelines, along with a list of frequently asked questions, can be found here.
Additional guidance that restaurants are expected to follow, should they choose to open, have been provided by the South Carolina Restaurant & Lodging Association and can be found here.
UPDATE: April 21, 2020 — Governor McMaster’s executive order from April 20 to reopen beaches and certain types of businesses previously ordered to close to the public.
Effective at 5:00 p.m. on April 20, retail stores listed in his April 3 executive order were allowed to reopen. Specifically, these are retail stores as follows:
- Furniture and home-furnishings stores
- Clothing, shoe, and clothing-accessory stores
- Jewelry, luggage, and leather goods stores
- Department stores, with the exception of hardware and home-improvement stores
- Sporting goods stores
- Book, craft, and music stores
- Flea markets
- Florists and flower stores
These retail establishments must still follow guidelines that mandate limited occupancy — five customers per 1,000 square feet or 20% of occupancy limits, whichever is lower.
The order also eases restrictions on beach access by placing decisions in the hands of their local governments. This provision is effective Tuesday, April 21, 2020, at 12:00 p.m.
Finally, although not a part of Governor McMaster’s executive orders, the South Carolina Forestry Commission lifted its statewide burning ban, effective at 6:00 a.m. on Tuesday, April 21.
UPDATE: April 20, 2020 — On Thursday afternoon, Governor Henry McMaster issued a new executive order to reopen public boat ramps and landings, effective Friday, April 17.
Because the order does not restrict cities or counties from adopting their own policies regarding public access, some access points may remain closed.
The order requires that anyone using these public ramps and landings limits social interaction and practices “social distancing” in accordance CDC guidelines.
Pursuant to Section 1(E) of Executive Order No. 2020-21, “individuals are permitted to engage in outdoor exercise or recreational activities, provided that a minimum distance of six (6) feet is maintained during such activities between all persons who are not occupants of the same Residence.”
UPDATE: April 7, 2020 — Governor Henry McMaster issued a new executive order yesterday afternoon.
In this order, going into effect at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 7, 2020, the governor is requiring people to stay at home unless they’re going to work, going out for essential goods and services, exercising outside with the appropriate social distance, or visiting family.
Businesses still open will be required to follow social distancing procedures and limit the numbers of people in their establishments (five people inside per 1,000 square feet — or 20% of capacity).
Violating the “Home or Work” order is classified as a misdemeanor and carries possible penalties of 30 days in jail and/or $100 fine.
UPDATE: April 6, 2020 — Because smoke can worsen symptoms of those who have contracted COVID-19 and can trigger underlying respiratory issues in otherwise unaffected individuals, the South Carolina Forestry Commission will declare a State Forester’s Burning Ban for all counties, effective at 6 a.m. Tuesday, April 7. Find out more information HERE.
UPDATE: April 4, 2020 — Governor Henry McMaster issued 2 new executive orders yesterday.
The first order expands types of businesses that will be required to close during the state’s response to COVID-19. This new order states that these businesses “shall be closed to non-employees and shall not be open for access or use by the public.” They are retail stores as follows:
- Furniture and home-furnishings stores
- Clothing, shoe, and clothing-accessory stores
- Jewelry, luggage, and leather goods stores
- Department stores, with the exception of hardware and home-improvement stores
- Sporting goods stores
- Book, craft, and music stores
- Flea markets
- Florists and flower stores
The order does allow for these stores to continue operation “for the limited purpose of fulfilling online or telephone orders or providing alternate means of purchasing or delivering products or services—to include curbside purchase, pickup, or delivery and home or off-site delivery—provided that such options or measures can be implemented in a manner that facilitates and maintains effective ‘social distancing’ and is consistent with any applicable guidance issued by state and federal public health and safety officials.”
This order is effective beginning Monday, April 6, 2020, at 5:00 p.m.
As with the previous order, businesses that may want to seek an exemption or who believe they should not be closed under this executive order, they can seek a determination from the South Carolina Department of Commerce. According to the order, “An individual or entity may submit requests for clarification or a determination regarding the applicability of this Order to a specific business, venue, facility, service, or activity to the Department using a form provided by the Department, which shall be available for public access and submission via the Department’s website, at Individuals or entities may also submit questions or requests for clarification to the Department by email to or by telephone at 803-734-2873.”
The second executive order released yesterday prohibits any and all individuals, hotels, or short-term rental services (e.g. Airbnb) from making or accepting new reservations or bookings from individuals living in or traveling from any area identified to have “extensive community transmission of COVID-19, to include the Tri-State Area (consisting of the States of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut).” This order became effective Friday, April 3, 2020, at 5:00 p.m.
UPDATE: April 1, 2020 — Governor Henry McMaster issued a new executive order requiring that, in a further effort to slow the spread of COVID-19, specific business types close. These are businesses that, by nature, could encourage close personal contact inside the 6 feet recommended social distance or might foster crowds exceeding the mandated limit of three people at a gathering.
These businesses must close no later than 5:00 p.m. on April 1, 2020.
Entertainment venues and facilities as follows:
- Night clubs
- Bowling alleys
- Arcades
- Concert venues
- Theaters, auditoriums, and performing arts centers
- Tourist attractions (including museums, aquariums, and planetariums)
- Racetracks
- Indoor children’s play areas, with the exception of licensed childcare facilities
- Adult entertainment venues
- Bingo halls
- Venues operated by social clubs
Recreational and athletic facilities and activities as follows:
- Fitness and exercise centers and commercial gyms
- Spas and public or commercial swimming pools
- Group exercise facilities, to include yoga, barre, and spin studios or facilities
- Spectator sports
- Sports that involve interaction in close proximity to and within less than six (6) feet of another person
- Activities that require the use of shared sporting apparatus and equipment
- Activities on commercial or public playground equipment
Close-contact service providers as follows:
- Barber shops
- Hair salons
- Waxing salons
- Threading salons
- Nail salons and spas
- Body-art facilities and tattoo services
- Tanning salons
- Massage-therapy establishments and massage services
For businesses that may want to seek an exemption or who believe they should not be closed under this executive order, they can seek a determination from the South Carolina Department of Commerce. According to the order, “An individual or entity may submit requests for clarification or a determination regarding the applicability of this Order to a specific business, venue, facility, service, or activity to the Department using a form provided by the Department, which shall be available for public access and submission via the Department’s website, at Individuals or entities may also submit questions or requests for clarification to the Department by email to or by telephone at 803-734-2873.”
UPDATE: March 25, 2020 — With schools now closed through the month of April, District One teachers and administrators are seeing an increased need for a number of supplies that will help students continue at-home instruction. The school district is starting a “supply drive” and asking for community donations that can be dropped off at specific collection points without violating the current prohibition of gatherings of three or more people.
Requested items include:
- Earbuds to help students listen on their devices without disturbing household members
- Mechanical pencils to help sketchers, note takers, and students completing packets
- Notebooks to provide students with the opportunity to write, sketch, brainstorm, and create
- Jump rope to help students stay active and fit at home
- Paper to provide writers and artists lined and unlined paper for creativity
- Other recommendations: sidewalk chalk, crayons, water colors with brushes, modeling clay, and books
In Landrum, a black cart at the fire department front porch (200 N. Trade Ave.) will be available as a drop off point from 7:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. from March 26 through April 2.
UPDATE: March 20, 2020 — Yesterday afternoon, Governor Henry McMaster issued Executive Order 2020-11 as a part of the state’s COVID-19 response. This order directs state agency heads to determine which agency employees should be considered essential, and to allow all non-essential state employees work from home.
Additional actions taken by the governor in Executive Order 2020-11:
- Regarding public universities, colleges, and technical colleges: each institution’s president will, at their discretion, determine essential employees and allow non-essential employees to work from home, and in all cases, to allow students to continue coursework online for the semester
- Waived Department of Employment and Workforce regulations to allow unemployment claims to be expedited by at least one week
- Unemployment insurance payments are suspended for employers until June 1st, allowing business owners to have additional capital on hand
- Procurement regulations are temporarily suspended to allow state agencies to rapidly acquire resources to combat the COVID-19 virus
- DHEC will temporarily suspend enforcement of certificate of need regulations necessary to expedite treatment for the virus
During yesterday’s special session of the SC House of Representatives, House members were provided with a list of online resources to allow members of the public to access information that may impact them over the weeks ahead. Those links are provided below. Please note that many of these agencies are also posting updates regarding their response efforts on social media.
- Free Online COVID-19 Screenings (all use promo code “COVID19”)
- Prisma Health –
- McLeod Health –
- Roper St. Francis –
- Self Regional Hospital is offering a COVID-19 Screening Line open M-F 9a to 5p – (864) 725-4200
- SC EMD (links to different areas of government and their efforts) - DHEC…/…/coronavirus-disease-2019-covid-19 - Healthcare
SC DHHS (all bulletins can be found at this link) - Department on Aging (scroll down on their home page to find their list of resources) - South Carolina Hospital Association (all hospital-related updates)…/emergency-preparedness/coronavirus/ - MUSC Health - Department of Mental Health (list of resources is at top of their home page) - DSS - Vocational Rehabilitation Department - PEBA (in addition to sending information via email to employees, retirees, and employers as needed)
Refilling prescriptions through State Health Plan:
State Health Plan and COVID-19:
Express Scripts: - Department of Disabilities and Special Needs - Governmental/Education/Regulatory
- Department of Education…/covid-19-coronavirus-and-south-carolin…/ - Commission on Higher Education (contains links to response efforts from all public and private institutions, technical colleges, as well as information on VA guidance for school closures)…/Coronavirus(COVID-19)Information.a… - Secretary of State’s Office for UCC, Business Entity Filings, Charities, Professional Fundraisers and Solicitors, and Raffle filings online as well as additional resources on how to mail in other filings - Court System - Department of Natural Resources (cancellations, closures, and postponements) - Election Commission - Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation - Department of Insurance - Department of Consumer Affairs (financial protection during the pandemic)…/protecting-your-finances-coronavi… - Human Affairs Commission
Due to the national and state declared emergency, the South Carolina Human Affairs Commission is requesting that individuals complete all paperwork electronically. Please call with questions at (803) 737-7800. - Commission for Minority Affairs…/1002m6zed7WdfY3ph5Dl7yi0OQL…/view - Department of Motor Vehicles
No road tests will be conducted at #SCDMV branches between March 19, 2020 and April 3, 2020. Saturday branch hours will resume in July 2020. - Public Service Commission (virtual public hearing details)…/2020-03/details-virtual-public-hearing - Businesses
Department of Employment and Workforce…/coronavirus-and-unemployement-benefits… - Small Business Association – disaster assistance loans of up to $2 million for affected businesses…/coronavirus-covid-19-small-business-g… - US Chamber of Commerce – a great one-stop shop of tips for employers and employees - US Chamber of Commerce Coronavirus Response Toolkit - Article on HR. 6201 (Paid Leave) and what it may mean for employers…/emergency-coronavirus-bill-w… - FMLA information from Dept. of Labor - Virtual Business Operation Center (SCEMD) (Department of Commerce has a team working this issue with EMD that can be reached with questions at - Information on avoiding Coronavirus scams from FTC…/coronavirus-scammers-follow-…
- Department of Education
- Criminal Justice
- SLED…/Executive%20Order%20Guidance%20(FI… - Department of Public Safety - Department of Probation, Parole, and Pardon Services (COVID-19 notice on home page) - Department of Corrections - Department of Juvenile Justice (visitation suspension notice is at the top of their home page)
UPDATE: March 18, 2020 — These reference listings are provided to enhance communication between local residents, medical facilities, and other key establishments like restaurants and grocery stores to ensure access for up-to-date information during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Much of the information provided will be updated often and the community is urged to continually monitor websites and social media of these groups and businesses. Keeping our residents accurately informed with clear and efficient data is a primary concern at this time.
- Biogenesis Medical and Wellness Center: 864-457-4141
- Medical Group of the Carolinas Family Medicine: 864-457-3838
- Dialysis Clinic, Inc: 864-457-2435
- Landrum Family Healthcare: 864-457-2363
- Dr. Wanda J. Starling, MD Family Medicine: 864-457-2033
- CVS Pharmacy: 864-457-4163
- Ingles Pharmacy: 864-457-4598
- Landrum Drug: 864-457-2401/Facebook
- Carolina Foothills Dental: 864-457-4161
- Parkside Dental: 864-457-3901
- Woodcreek Dental: 864-457-3425
- Bojangles: Landrum 864-457-2207
- Boots & Sonny’s: 864-457-2378
- Buck N’ Brew Coffee & Ice Cream: 864-457-1515/Facebook
- Burger King: Landum 864-457-5449
- China Cafe: 864-457-3836
- Dominos Pizza: 864-510-0080
- El Chile Rojo: 864-457-5977 Facebook
- The Hare & Hound: 864-457-3232
- Mocha’s Mug: Facebook
- Soulisa’s Fine Thai Dining: 864-457-5318
- Southern Delights and More: 864-457-1181
- Southside Smokehouse & Grille: 864-457-4581
- Stax’s Drake House: 864-457-2533/Facebook
- Stone Soup Restaurant: 864-457-5255
- Subway: 864-457-7337
- Twin Palmetto: 864-457-5008/Facebook
NOTE: Even if the link isn’t included here, many of these businesses can also be found on Facebook. Please check their websites and social media platforms for updates.
- Bi-Lo: 864-457-2121
- Ingles: 864-457-5187
- Tryon IGA: 828-859-9245
UPDATE: March 17, 2020 — Governor Henry McMaster issued a new executive order today with various points related to mitigating the effects of COVID-19 on South Carolina’s population. Among other things, the governor’s order:
- Extends SC’s state tax deadline to June 1, 2020
- Eliminates dine-in options at restaurants and bars, effective March 18, 2020. (Curbside, delivery, and take out options are still available.)
- Prohibits sanctioned gatherings of 50 or more people on state and local properties
- Permits hospitals to use medical and nursing school students to increase numbers of trained medical personnel
The White House released “The President’s Coronavirus Guidelines for America” that include “15 Days to Slow the Spread”and how to do your part to help slow the virus’ spread.
Additionally, several South Carolina health systems are offering telehealth options to the public. These options are available to anyone experiencing COVID-19 symptoms in South Carolina. In order to access the free consult, use the promo code COVID19.
- MUSC Health Virtual Urgent Care
- McLeod Telehealth
- Prisma Health Virtual Visit
- Roper St. Francis Healthcare Virtual Care
Also, Self Regional Healthcare is offering telephone screening. Call the COVID-19 Screening Line at (864) 725-4500.
UPDATE: March 16, 2020 — Tricia Taber, Managing Editor of THE NEWS LEADER, offers this description of a meeting held to discuss the Landrum community’s planned response to COVID-19.
Preserving the health and safety of our community members during the current novel coronavirus outbreak, also referred to as COVID-19, which has been declared a global pandemic by the World Health Organization is of our utmost priority.
Local law enforcement, fire and rescue, Emergency Medical personnel, local news media, Operation Hope, and a group of local pastors convened in a special meeting this morning at the Landrum Area Fire and Rescue District headquarters to consider mitigation measures in light of the rapidly evolving situation.
Out of an abundance of caution and in the interest of public safety, we would like to inform everyone that we are taking precautionary measures to ensure that vital services will remain available to protect the welfare of our community.
New information will continue to be provided, and people are encouraged to follow on social media for resources, tips, and important notices regarding mitigation of community transmission.
The present strategy is to limit the opportunity for people to come into contact with one another, so as to limit the extent of which the COVID-19 virus can spread, also referred to as social distancing.
For new information and tips on how to protect your family from illness, visit or Both are valuable sources of information.
SCDHEC includes up to the minute information on potential cases in our state. DHEC offers a COVID-19 hotline to call with any questions: 855-472-3432. The Federal government and the Center for Disease Control offer a comprehensive guide that includes:
- Prevention Tips and Details of Symptoms
- What if you are Sick
- How to Prevent
- Local Hospital Restrictions